This Friday, Jan. 6th, the Vaishnava Academy presents....

"Samosa and Sandwiches; Saris and Skirts:
the (necessary) Americanization of Chaitanya Vaishnavism"

by: Cyril Wohrer (Chandrasekara Acharya Dasa)

Friday January 6th, at 7:00PM
House of Wisdom Main Hall

Originally from Santa Monica, CA, Cyril Wohrer (Chandrasekara Acharya das) has traveled the world as a Vaishnava monk and has devoted his life to studying Chaitanya Vaishnavism. He is currently finishing his Masters in Theology at Oxford University, and has been lecturing on the necessary integration of Chaitanya Vaishnavism with Western Culture.

Some of Cyril's past accomplishments include serving as a Vaishnava Monk in the Los Angeles ISKCON temple for 5 years; serving as the executive assistant of Bhakti Charu Swami for 5 years; being a part of Indradyumna Swami's Polish Festival Tour; and he was the lead singer of the 18 days' rock bank.


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